I spent the rest of the day catching up with Liam Gallagher and Nicky Appleton who arrived with son Gene. Gene was totally
bemused by the day and spent most of the time playing football with Anthony Costa from Blue. I had to help Bryan Adams set
up his microphone for his live performance as there was a lack of available roadies and had a gurning contest with Avid Merrion.(Not
sure who won photo to follow)
Saturday 3rd July
I took the youngster with me for the first time today, he's met pop stars before but been suitably unimpressed, today,
however, he was intent on getting Will Young to sign his autograph book, I didn't hold out too
much hope as I had encountered this pop idol before.
The first signatories to show their faces were McFly, refreshingly friendly
and unassuming they made sure they had kissed and signed for all their fans and took time to speak. They signed the youngster's
book and wrote some witticisms on a canvas for yours truly, nice bunch of lads especially Dougie
who looks like he could've jumped ship straight from Westlife.
Matt Goss strolled in later, I think he has the same disease that a few other
celebs have contracted as he has a hat permanantly stuck to his bonce. Think JK, Badly drawn boy and the black loser
from Big brother. I met Matt about a month ago just before his Kitchen endeavour and he is a very polite, nice guy though.
The youngster collared him for a sig. and I didn't bother as Matt had already scrawled for me. I later spoke to a waiting
driver who told me he once booted the bros boys out of his limo into a crowded Oxford street because they wouldn't take their
feet off the seats. They were ejected to the sounds of "We'll get mobbed" How things change. Matt probably did well in the
kitchen as he's had a decade learning to make humble pie.
The lovely Rachel Stevens popped out after a bone soaking shower descended,
I again decided not to hassle her as we have met before and she is suitably lovely, I didn't want to get all doe eyed in front
of the youngster. He however was bowled over and cleverly waited by her car door so she couldn't get passed his 3 foot frame
and autograph book. He told me after he thought she was lovely but waa possibly wearing too much make up. Hey a nine year
old critic.
Will Young was expected and finally strolled out after about 3 hours. I was
begging the youngster to go home but he kept me hanging there with the temptation that Will would appear 2 minutes after we
left and our wait would have been in vain, so I held on. I should have known better. Will did his normal trick of getting
straight in his car and ignoring his loyal fans that had waited in the raging weather for up to 4 hours, How to win friends
eh! The youngster was decidedly disgusted with his behaviour.
Lastly the lovely Anastacia arrived preceeded by 3 people carriers, it was
quite an entrance, the youngster and I awaited her emergence from said final vehiole and finally she appeared. There was much
ccoing over the youngster and she duly signed his book, I, however, did not fair so well. When I asked Anastacia to sign the
canvas a dull faced assistant/aid /record company exec made cautionary noises and Ananstacia declined muttering something
about auctions, dont you know who I am love!!! This is art not ebay, needless to say the 150+ rock stars who have already
signed canvasses for me didn't seem to worry about it, never mind. The youngster came home impressed with his days work and
has vowed to assist me again. He fell asleep on the train clutching and smudging the two signed photos of Anastacia that the
flunkey forced into his hand.